Culler Lake Project

A revitalized Culler Lake with dramatic reconstructed fountain, wetlands, and pedestrian bridges was dedicated on October 18, 2016 by Mayor Randy McClement. Please visit our FAQs page for more details.
Download Documents Related to the Project:
• Concept Plan
(by Frederick Seibert & Associates)
• 2014 Master Plan (Phase 1 & 2)
(by Frederick Seibert & Associates)
• 2014 Master Plan (Phase 1 Tasks)
(by Frederick Seibert & Associates)
• Culler Lake Fountain Plans 2014
(by Clearwater Landscape & Nursery)
• Fountain Product Sheet 2014
(by Clearwater Landscape & Nursery)
• Skate House Plans 2014
(by MBS Architects)
• Proposed Lake House Design Concepts
(by MBS Architects)
• Stormwater Management Plan
(by Frederick Seibert & Associates)
In 2011, Friends of Baker Park Board of Directors decided that Culler Lake was in dire need of attention. After decades of neglect the water quality has become poor and the embankment is deteriorating. Our focus began with creating a Master Plan, called the Culler Lake Renaissance to guide us through the monumental task of restoring the water quality and improving the overall aesthetic character of the park. The plan has been reviewed by our membership, has been presented in community forums, and has been endorsed by the City of Frederick.
The plan will be implemented in two stages. The first phase, currently underway, focuses on storm water management and infrastructure. It will include the long overdue dredging of the lake and the installation of mechanical and biological features to remove sediments and nutrients before discharge into Carroll Creek. It will also include the restoration and enhancement of the stone fountain in the center of the lake.
A later second phase will include pedestrian boardwalks, a pavilion, and other aesthetic enhancements.
This page will serve as an informational source on the progress being made by the Friends of Baker Park in conjunction with the City of Frederick. We will update this page as progress is made. Links provided will take you to more extensive explanations of the goings on. Bookmark this page and please return often to stay up-to-date.
Lake and Fountain Dedication Videos:
May 2020 – Maryland Department of Natural Resources awards $228,155 to support Culler Lake Phase 2 tasks, as part of the Community Parks and Playgrounds Program.
December 2019 – Phase 2 construction documents completed.
November 2019 – New analemmatic sundial installed on Culler Memorial Bench.
2018 – $150,000 received in State Bond Funds Phase 2 tasks.
October 18, 2016 – Lake and new fountain were dedicated by Mayor Randy McClement.
2016 – Contract Awarded for Phase I work by the City of Frederick to Morgan-Keller.
2015 – Received an additional $100,000 in Maryland Bond Bill funds for Phase I work.
Summer 2015 – The solicitation for constructing the Phase I Storm Water Management Plan was posted by the City in August. Bids are to be submitted by October 2, 2015. An on-site review of the Concept Plan for Phase II was conducted in May. The final, updated version is posted above. The Friends have commissioned Frederick Seibert Associates to develop a Concept Plan for designing an 11-foot wide shared use path in Room 4, connecting Culler Lake with Fairview Avenue. The intent is to use the documentation in support of grants to improve this section trail.
Fall / Winter 2014 – The City is finalizing the bid package for contracting the Phase I Storm Water Management Plan that will include dredging the lake, installing gravel wetlands and mechanical systems to remove nutrients and sediments, replacing the east wall, and reconstructing the iconic wedding cake fountain.
The Friends have commissioned the collaborative team of Frederick Seibert Associates and MSB Architects to update and revise the Master Plan for the area surrounding Culler Lake. The Friends will be presenting the scheme to the Mayor and Alderman in January. It includes a Lake House pavilion on the west shore, revisions to the skate house, and enhanced walkways and other amenities. The latest versions are posted on the top of the page. A fundraising effort will begin in 2015 to accomplish the Phase II tasks.
Spring /Summer 2014 – The Friends were awarded another $125,000 in Bond Bill Money from the State of Maryland for the Culler Lake project, bringing total state grants to $250,000. In compliance with other grant requirements, equipment was purchased including the hydrodynamic separator and pump and filtering equipment for the fountain. These items will be held in storage until the construction phase.
The City will prepare a Request for Proposals for the dredging of Culler Lake and earth-moving necessary to implement Phase I, the Storm Water Management Plan. The Friends are moving forward with Phase II by developing a Comprehensive site plan for civil engineering, landscape design and architecture to create construction details for the Culler Lake site including boardwalks, a pavilion, and other aesthetic and recreational enhancements.
Winter 2013-14 – Clearwater Landscape and Nursery donates design services and develops a plan for the reconstruction of Culler Lake fountain. Retaining the wedding cake, the fountain will have more robust pumps and LED lighting.
Fall 2013 – Awarded at total of $11,147 from the Community Foundation of Frederick County for the restoration and improvement of the Culler Lake Fountain. Also received grants from the Deleplaine Foundation ($5,000) and the Baker Family Foundation ($2,500) for the restoration and improvement of the Culler Lake Fountain
Summer 2013 – A descendent of Mayor Culler pledges $9,000 to rebuild the Bench and plaque at the entrance to Culler Lake.
Summer 2013 – Apply for Chesapeake Bay Stewardship Fund Implementation Grant. If we are successful this grant will fund the construction of the water mitigation plan, further research by Hood College. We were unsuccessful with this grant request but were encouraged to apply again next year.
Summer 2013 – Awarded at $43,500 Chesapeake Bay Stewardship Fund Implementation Grant for the purchase of a hydrodynamic separator to pre-treat storm water entering Culler Lake and remove trash and sediment
Summer 2013 – City of Frederick approves budget of $1.2 million for dredging and modification of storm sewers
Spring 2013 – The Friends partner with Hood College Center for Coastal and Watershed Studies to provide bathymetric evaluation of the lake’s bottom, water quality and biological sampling to establish a baseline for current water quality before the storm-water mitigation project begins
Fall 2013 – Larry Marsh pledges $10,000 for the restoration of the Culler Lake Fountain
Spring/Summer 2013 – Received $125,000 in State Bond Bill funds from the State of Maryland for Phase I work.
Fall 2012 – Received support for the project from Frederick Mayor Randy McClement as well as the Office of Parks and Recreation and the Office of Sustainability and Environmental Resources
Fall 2012 – Received grant from Chesapeake Bay Trust for $30,000 to design the storm water mitigation system portion of the Master Plan
Summer 2012 – Visit various civic groups to share the plan
Spring 2012 – Master Plan shared with the City government, members, community groups and public
Fall 2011 – Partnered with Chamber of Commerce Leadership Frederick County Leaders on Loan Program to design a Marketing and Capital Campaign Blueprint
Spring 2011 – Contracted local architect/urban planner to develop a master plan, titled Culler Lake Renaissance
Project Partners:
- Catoctin Watershed Alliance
- City of Frederick
- Clearwater Landscape & Nursery
- Friends of Waterford Park
- Hood College Center for Coastal and Watershed Studies